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About Us

Experience You Can Count On

Our company CEO is Ignacio Zarate, MD. He is an Emergency Medicine Certified Physician. Dr. Zarate completed his medical degree and Emergency Medicine residency at the University California Irvine. Throughout his years in practice since 1993, he has been deeply involved with contracting, coding, billing, healthcare management, quality of care ranking, utilization management metrics, revenue cycle integrity, medical malpractice prevention, and denial management. As of 2010, Dr. Zarate has devoted his time to clinical documentation excellence. Ever since 2013, he began working full-time as a consultant on this subject matter.

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Our process is designed to empower your team and equip them with the tools they need to  succeed. Talk to us today about how we can support your efficiency, equity, safety, and timeliness to put you on a solid track to success and profit.


Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist (CCDS)

  • Ensure accuracy and quality of clinical documentation 
  • Inform staff of private payer regulations, official medical coding guidelines and CMS’ inpatient perspective payment system
  • Analyze and interpret clinical documentation program performance and medical record documentation to formulate appropriate physician queries.
  • Promote documentation and medical records integrity by helping clinical documentation specialists define and obtain the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their responsibilities
  • Support compliance efforts by promoting a Code of Ethics for clinical documentation integrity specialists
  • Assist hospitals and healthcare entities in identifying individuals with substantive knowledge, experience, and skills in clinical documentation integrity for the benefit of their organization

Certification in Healthcare Quality and Management (CHCQM)

  • CHCQM Certification demonstrates that ABQAURP(American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians) Diplomats have the practical knowledge and the tools that can reduce medical errors, ensure patient safety, eliminate waste and unnecessary services, while avoiding potentially harmful delays in care.
  • Demonstrate their superior ability to critically evaluate industry literature, identify evidence-based best practices, and make recommendations that balance appropriateness of health care services with cost and quality. 
  • ABQAURP brings health care quality and management to the forefront by providing the highest standard of education, information, and resources to its members.
  • Many insurance and managed care companies require HCQM certification for their health care professionals

Privacy Policy

HIPAA compliance is regulated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and enforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Through a series of interlocking regulatory rules, policies and procedures, HIPAA compliance is a living culture that health care organizations must implement into their business in order to protect the privacy, security, and integrity of protected health information. 

With Zarate Medical Inc., you will never need to worry about selling, renting, or sharing site user information to or with any third party. We only disclose such information to those who assist us in helping you achieve your goals.
